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What is the WLRA and our Mission?


The White Lake Residents Association is a Certified Registered Not-for-profit Society that was incorporated in 2008 to help serve the needs of the community and help protect its values and the health of the White Lakes and surrounding environment. All actions performed by the WLRA are by local volunteers who donate hundreds of hours toward the benefit of all community residents. WLRA was initially formed to address residents' concerns of planned logging in the surrounding hills. Over the past years the society has become an advocate and voice regarding a plethora of varied subjects with a residential perspective.


Who makes up the WLRA?


The society is run by and for residents of the community. Members, volunteers, committee chair leaders, and directors create a network of advocates with the communities best interests in mind. 


What has WLRA done?


- Established working relationships with:

          - BC Premiers Office

          - Provincial Shuswap MLA

          - Federal Shuswap MP

          - CSRD

          - Area C Director

          - BC Ministry of Forests

          - BC Timber Sales

          - BC Highways and Transportation

          - BC Fisheries

          - BC Parks


- Secured agreements with BCTS regarding responsible log harvesting in our area.

- Responsible for initiating a lake study on White Lake and 12 other BC lakes, resulting in the largest lake study in Region 3. - Collected and submitted 500 fish samples to TRU for documenting information

- Implemented a 5 yr study plan for fish activity in White Lake

- Initiated a 1 yr lake water sampling program through BCTS to assess the possible impacts of Urea fertilization of the surrounding forests

- Secured a 5 yr road work improvement plan for Settle Road

- Initiated major road repair work on the main White Lake road

- Built & installed 6 community notice boards at all White Lake mail delivery sites

- Host the Annual Fall Community Fun Day BBQ's.

- Built & installed boxes to receive a local community information based newspaper, "The Scoop".

- Worked with BC Parks & STA to re-opened Cedar Creek Spawning Trail.

- Built a new entrance into the cedar creek trail to help protect its natural values.

- Conducted meetings for discussions regarding a local playground for residents within the CSRD Parks Plan.



What is WLRA doing now?


- Continuing to collaborate with the Ministry of Forests and BCTS regarding local log harvests and forest stewardship plans. 

- Partnering with BC Parks and BC Fisheries with park and lake issues

- Working with AIM Roads  and Department of Highways regarding community road issues

- Advocating for community values and needs when approaching the CSRD in various departments.

- Organizing a series of Community Events, partnering with the WLCHS and WLFD.

- Continuing to inform our membership and provide community communication. 

- Maintaining the notice boards

- Launching and maintaining this website

- Promote involvement of residents within the community

- Request input from community residents for ongoing projects/issues/activities.

- Collaborating with the BC Ministry of Environment on a 3 year level 3 lake water column testing and monitoring program.





WLRA Terms of Reference



             The White Lake Residents Association is managed by an elected board of directors, the real leadership comes from member residents. With a mandate to maintain and enhance the unique character of the White Lake area, the board has adopted a governance model which relies on interested and dedicated residents who chair and participate on numerous committees. 


    Each committee is sponsored by at least one board director, who acts as the bridge

between the working committee and the oversight of the board. Beyond the executive

governance committees outlined in policy 3, the current committees operating under the White Lake Residents Association include: 



    Water Quality Committee - monitors and works to ensure that the lake meets Canadian standards for drinking water and recreation use. This includes testing for siltation, bacteria and nutrients, and other contaminants that are hazardous to humans and a healthy lake ecosystem.


    Lake Stewardship Committee - works in collaboration with First Nations, BC Parks, Fisheries, Forestry and other government agencies, as well as lake users such as local Fish and Game clubs, to ensure that community input and values are inserted into the management and development plans of the various ministries that operate in and around White Lake.


    Forest Stewardship Committee - works diligently to review legislation, best practices and fibre extraction plans, to ensure that forestry operations in the White Lake community watershed are adhered to and that they reflect residents’ values of water protection, forest sustainability, natural beauty, and species protection. 


   White Lake Trails Committee works with the Shuswap Trail Alliance and the CSRD to insert a residential perspective into proposed projects within the community and surrounding areas.


    Community Events Committee - organizes and supports community special events

throughout the year, including an annual White Lake Turtle Festival.


    Roads Committee - works in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation and their contractors to insert community priorities into operational plans and projects to maintain and improve the roads throughout White Lake.


    Community Safety Committee - works with law enforcement to monitor and

mitigate emerging safety risks in the community such as break and enters, thefts, and

dangerous activities.


    Emergency Preparedness Committee - supports 10 Neighbourhood Emergency

Preparedness (CSRD - SEP) zones that are developing response plans and communication networks for residents to rely on in the case of a major emergency or evacuation.









White Lake Residents Association - Your Advocate. Your Voice. Your Community


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