This letter was received by the WLRA from concerned citizens. They would like to have feedback from the residents to support the Balmoral Intersection Safety Committee at

#10 2417 Golf Course Dr.
Blind Bay, B.C. V0E 1H2
December 4, 2019
To Whom It May Concern:
In early October a group of concerned citizens met and agreed to establish a Committee to continue advocacy efforts regarding the Intersection at Balmoral and Notch Hill roads onto the Trans-Canada Highway. Our Committee has decided on the name: Balmoral Intersection Safety Committee.
Our Committee Goal is:
"The Balmoral Intersection Safety Committee will work together with affected residents and users, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD), Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) and Community Groups to ensure safe, effective and efficient access and exits to the Trans Canada Highway 1 at Balmoral/Notch Hill Intersection. This will be achieved through the realization of an UNDERPASS in the vicinity of Balmoral and Notch Hills Roads."
We appreciate that much has been done to mitigate accidents at Balmoral Intersection. The South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce worked with and lobbied the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to prioritize this intersection. They also arranged an open house where MOTI presented 2 options. The options were not what people had envisioned and many felt they did not have an opportunity to influence changes. MOTI decided on Option 1 which has now been completed. The communities have been utilizing the reconfigured route for some time now. Our hope is that the recent changes will reduce accidents, at Balmoral Intersection. We do feel, however, the reconfiguration has increased the level and potential of accidents along the detour and frontage roads with additional safety issues. There have been several accidents, incidents, near-misses and at least one vehicle turning into oncoming traffic on the TransCanada Highway.
Our Committee is reaching out to Community Groups and Emergency Services to get your thoughts and participation in determining the best way forward. We would appreciate your input and would also be interested in hearing how the proposed changes have or may impact your services/organization. Please respond to the return address or email: We would like to be able to use your response to assist us in lobbying on behalf of the affected Communities. Please let us know if you do not want your response shared.
Thank you for your interest, we look forward to hearing from you.
Dena Short, Secretary"