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                                        B.C. SOCIETIES ACT


1. The name of the society is : White Lake Residents Association (WLRA)

2. The mission : To maintain and enhance the unique character of the White Lake
community by promoting , encouraging and helping provide a safe informed

3. The vision : The residents of the White Lake community will have some of their
social, recreational and emotional needs met through an organization.

4. The White Lake Residents Association will :
        A. be a vehicle of communication for its residents.
        B. inform its residents and all levels of government of its directions and outcomes
as needed.
        C. provide safe long term benefits for the overall good of the community.

5. Purpose of the Association is :
        A. to maintain and enhance the unique character of the White Lakes, the
community and to promote the safe use of such, with a wide range of users.
        B. to act as an information conduit to the community and government alike.




Part 1 – Definitions
1.1 In these Bylaws:
“Act” means the Societies Act of British Columbia as amended from time to
“Board” means the Directors of the Society.
“Bylaws” mean these Bylaws as altered from time to time.
“Directors” means the Directors of the Society.
“Member” means that individual who is qualified to join the Society and has paid
the current Membership fees.
“Society” means the White Lake Residents Association.
1.2 The definitions in the Act apply to these Bylaws.
1.3 If there is a conflict between these Bylaws and the Act or the Regulations under
the Act, the B.C. Societies Act, as the case may be, shall prevail.


Part 2 - Area of Operation
2.1 The Community of White Lake, within the Canadian postal service, that serves the
White Lake Residents of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District in the Province of
British Columbia, and all areas connected to White Lake Road and subsidiary roads
originating off of White Lake Road, terminating at Carlin, Balmoral and Trans Canada
Highway 1.

Part 3 – Members
3.1 The Members of the Society are the residents of White Lake Area of Operation,
upon payment of the annual Membership dues. Voting Members must be minimum 19
years of age. Youth Members under the age of 19 are encouraged to join the Society.
3.2 For the purpose of support, a non resident Membership can be provided for the
same fees as a resident Membership but will have no voting rights.
3.3 On being admitted to Membership each Member is entitled to, and the Society
shall give the Member without charge, a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws of the
3.4 Every Member must uphold the Constitution and comply with these Bylaws.
3.5 The amount of the annual Membership fee shall be determined at the annual
general meeting and approved by the majority of the Membership present at said

3.6 A Member ceases to be a Member of the Society:
1. on becoming a Member not in good standing;
2. by delivering their resignation in writing to the Secretary of the Society, either
by post or hand delivery;
3. on death, or in case of a corporation, on dissolution; or
4. on being expelled by legal method.

3.7 A Member may be expelled by a special resolution of the Members passed at a
general meeting.
1. The notice of special resolution for expulsion must be accompanied by a brief
statement of the reasons for the proposed expulsion.
2. The Member who is the subject of the proposed resolution for expulsion must
be given an opportunity to be heard at the general meeting before the special
resolution is put to a vote.
3.8 All Members are in good standing except a Member who has failed to pay the
current annual Membership fee, or any other subscription or debt due and owing by
the Member to the Society, and the Member is not in good standing so long as the
debt remains unpaid.
3.9 Other than good standing Members, no other person is entitled to receive a notice
of a general meeting.


Part 4 - General Meetings of Members
4.1 A general meeting will be held at the time and place the Board determines.
4.2 At a general meeting:
1. revised Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed.
2. there will be consideration of any reports or statements.
3. election or appointment of Directors will occur.
4. business arising out of a report of the Directors or Members will occur.
4.3 The following individual is entitled to preside as the chair of a general meeting:
1. the individual as appointed by the Board.
2. if the Board has not appointed an individual to preside as the chair or the
individual appointed by the Board is unable to preside as the chair:
1. the President; or
2. the Vice President, if the President is unable to preside, or one of the
other Directors present at the meeting if both the President and Vice
President are unable to preside as the chair.

4.4 A notice of a general meeting must state the nature of business to be transacted
at the meeting in general nature to permit a Member receiving the notice to form a
reasoned judgment concerning that business. The Secretary will mail, email, and
record a notice of the general meeting at least 14 days prior to the posted date.
4.5 Notice sent by mail or email is deemed to have been given on the second day
following the day on which the notice is posted. Proof that a notice has been given will
be provided by the Secretary by way of mail list and date the notice was sent and by
date sent using email service.
4.6 The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non receipt of a
notice by, any of the Members entitled to receive notice, does not invalidate

proceedings at
that meeting.
4.7 Quorum for the transaction of business at a general meeting is three Members
present or a greater number that the Members may determine at a general meeting.
4.8 The Order of Business at a General Meeting:

1. determine that there is a quorum;
2. approve the agenda;
3. approve the minutes from the last general meeting;
4. proceed with unfinished business from the last general meeting; and
5. proceed with the agenda items.
4.9 AGM if the meeting is an annual general meeting:
1. receive the Director’s report of the financial statements of the Society for the
previous financial year;
2. receive any other reports of Directors activities and decisions since the
previous annual general meeting; and
3. elect or appoint officers and Directors.
4.10 Methods of Voting:
1. At a general meeting, voting can be made by ballot or by a show of hands.
2. Voting by proxy is not permitted.


Part 5 – Directors
5.1 The Society must have no fewer than three and no more than seven Directors.
5.2 At each annual general meeting, the voting Members elect or appoint
the Board. Directors must be a voting Member of the Society who has been
in good standing for a minimum of 30 days prior to election or appointment
to the Board.
5.3 Directors will be elected or appointed for a 2 year term unless decided
differently by the Board. The Board may, at any time appoint a Member as

a Director to fill a vacancy that arises on the Board as a result of resignation,
death, expulsion or incapacity of a Director during the Director’s term of office.


Part 6 – Directors Meetings
6.1 A Directors’ meeting may be called by the President or by any two other Directors.
6.2 The quorum for the transaction of business at a Directors’ meeting is 50% plus 1 of
the Directors currently serving at the time of the Directors meeting.
6.3 A Director may participate, including voting, in a Directors’ meeting via
teleconference and other electronic methods, so as to allow some or all parties to
participate in the meeting remotely.
6.4 Any Board business may be proposed by any Director by email, or other electronic
method, detailing the business to all Board Members for a minimum of seven days, or
other consensus period determined by the Board, prior to voting. Such business
requires a majority vote of standing Board Members to pass. Any passed business will
be read into the subsequent Board meeting minutes to provide official Society records.


Part 7 – Board Positions
7.1 Board positions of the Society shall be:
1. President;

2. Vice President;
3. Secretary;
4. Treasurer;
5. Directors At Large.
7.2 A Director, other than the President, may hold more than one position.
7.3 These positions will be elected at the annual general meeting.
7.4 Revised Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed at the Directors’ meetings.


Part 8 – Dissolution
8.1. On dissolution of the White Lake Residents Association and after payment of all
debts, by vote, the Members shall distribute the remaining assets to a “charity”, “a non
profit association” or “a non profit society” of their choice. Such distribution may be in
whole or in part to various recipients.








The WLRA Code of Conduct outlines our expectations regarding directors, members, guests and volunteers behaviour regardless of where it takes place or what the circumstances might be.


We promote freedom of expression and open communication but we expect all to follow our code of conduct. Association members will promote cooperation, consensus and partnership with each other in the association as well as other community groups and agencies. It is expected that all members foster a well-organized, respectful and collaborative environment that includes listening to and considering opposing viewpoints.


Compliance with law

All members must protect our association’s legality. They should comply with all environmental, safety regulations and laws. It is expected that members and volunteers to be ethical and responsible when dealing with our association’s finances, projects, partnerships and public image.


Inappropriate Behaviours

Inappropriate behaviour can be any conduct by an individual that adversely affects a member’s psychological or physical well being. Such behaviours can stem from a series of incidents or a single incident depending on its severity. It is comprised of acts that include:


Violence or Threats

Acts of violence may occur as a single event or may involve a continuing series of incidents. Violence or threats of any nature will not be tolerated by our organization and should be reported to an executive or director. (policy #2.1)


Sexual Abuse and Misconduct

Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents and actions constituting harassment that may be physical, verbal and non-verbal. Other forms of misconduct including harassment of a racist, homophobic, emotional, bullying nature should be reported to an executive or director to be handled in accordance with the organizations policy. (policy #2.0)


Constitution and Bylaws

Every member must uphold the WLRA constitution and comply with the bylaws as outlined and registered in the B.C. Societies Act.


Protection of Property

Members should protect facilities, real property, intellectual property and other material from damage, theft and vandalism, whenever possible. Members shall inform their guests or contractors of the provisions of the WLRA Code of Conduct.


Job duties and authority

The executive and directors will follow and fulfill the outline of their duties as defined by their board positions that they occupy and the position description that has been established by the board of directors. (policy #3.0)

Committee chairpersons and directors are expected to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competencies and workload. Likewise, it is expected volunteer members to follow instructions and complete their duties with skill and in a timely manner.

We encourage mentoring throughout our organization. 


Conflict of interest

We expect volunteers and members to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their duties in working to the benefit of the association. It is prohibited to accept bribery or to be in conflict of interest for the benefit of any external or internal party.






A complaint received from a director, member, guest or volunteer that a person has violated the WLRA Code of Conduct must be actioned by the directors in a timely manner. Is the grievance in a written or verbal form?


2.1 Suggested guidelines for a solution should or may include


a) a discussion between the parties affected and director(s) only if agreed to by the complainant.

b) a discussion topic between the board to determine a settlement.

c) an unlawful act to be handled by the appropriate law enforcement agency.

d) the B.C. Society Act that may have application.

e) legal council and/or insurance as required.

   f) bringing forth a resolution to vote on applying


WLRA bylaw section 3.6


A member ceases to be a member of the society:

1. on having been a member not in good standing.

2. by delivering his resignation in writing to the secretary of the society,

either by post or hand delivery.

3. on death, or in case of a corporation, on dissolution.

4. on being expelled by legal method.


A member may be expelled by a special resolution of the members passed at a general meeting.

1. The notice of special resolution for expulsion must be accompanied by a

brief statement of the reasons for the proposed expulsion.

2. The person who is the subject of the proposed resolution for expulsion must be given an opportunity to be heard at the general meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.





The executive and directors will follow and fulfill the outline of their duties as
defined by their board positions that they occupy and the position description that
has been established by the board of directors.

3.1 Board of Directors
White Lake Residents Association Board of Directors Structure
* Four executive officers – President – Vice President – Treasurer - Secretary
* Three directors (voting)

3.2 Appointments and Duration
* Directors must be members of the WLRA and report to the membership at
the annual general meeting.
* Directors and board executive are elected for a two-year term at the annual
general meeting.
* The Nomination Committee Chair organizes and conducts AGM elections
for all annual vacant positions.

3.3 Director Responsibilities
* Direct or Chair at least one committee or task force per year
* Attend board and committee board meetings at a minimum attendance rate
of 75% / annum. Extenuating circumstance can be addressed to the board for
review. If unable to comply it would be expected that director submit resignation
to the secretary in written form.
* Monthly Board Meeting dates are the 3 rd Thursday of each month with
the exception of December.
* Prepare for and participate in the discussions and deliberations of the
* Participates on the Strategic Planning committee.

3.4 Executive Positions

ï‚· Ensures that the minutes are recorded at each board meeting.
ï‚· Ensures that the board approves minutes from the previous meeting. All
meeting minutes are kept as archives in paper form.
ï‚· Participates on the Governance Committee to ensure that existing
policies and bylaws are reviewed each year. Update B.C. Societies on all
documentation required annually.
ï‚· Has signing authority on checks.


ï‚· Ensures a proper record is kept of all receipts and expenditures. Reviews
financial statements monthly with the board.
ï‚· Ensures the financial report is prepared and presented at the Annual
General Meeting.
ï‚· Chairs the Membership Committee.
ï‚· Ensures the annual summary is filed as required by all government
agencies and the B.C. Registry Services.
ï‚· Participates on the Governance Committee.
ï‚· Has signing authority on checks.

Vice President
ï‚· Chairs the Governance Committee.
ï‚· Assumes President duties in his/her absences.
ï‚· Acts as secondary contact for the media.
ï‚· Represents the organization at various functions through out the year.
ï‚· Participates on the Strategic Planning Committee.

ï‚· Presides over each board meeting or appoints alternate board chair.
ï‚· Represents the organization at various functions through out the year.
ï‚· Acts as primary contact for the media.
ï‚· Chairs the Strategic Planning Committee.
ï‚· Ex officio of all committees and task forces.
ï‚· Has signing authority on checks.









White Lake Residents Association - Your Advocate. Your Voice. Your Community


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